What if you could make a change and build the business of your dreams...
Knowing You Are Meant for More, You Are Ready to:
Idea2Profit is a group coaching program led by Sandra Francisco with guest experts that teach smart, and effective business development and personal development strategies to new entrepreneurs that are exploring the transition from a job to a business or have already quit their job and started a business and want a structured system to go from idea to profit.
Whether you are looking to explore an idea and gain your financial freedom, already made a change and left your job to start a business, or you are running a side business and want to take it to the next level, the Idea2Profit program is designed to get you the business of your dreams.​​
Idea2Profit includes weekly live video group coaching sessions as well as16 modules of content covering the Explore, Plan, Develop and Launch phases. You will have lifetime access to the video content. All of the video content is online, contained in a private members only site.
​In addition, you will have access to video content from business and personal development experts.
​You will be provided with two world class assessment tools. The first, Wealth Dynamics shows you eight paths to wealth and that one of those paths is the correct one for you so that you can discover the talents you were born with and capitalized on them.
The second, Human Design is a system that explains how you were built, and how to best respond to the world. Human Design shows you how to access your most ideal decision-making process, and ultimately how to live as your true self.
The program will follow the formula of EXPLORE, PLAN, DEVELOP, LAUNCH. Each week you will gain new knowledge, strategies, tools and coaching to get you that much closer to evolving from idea to profit.
You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and gain insights from Sandra as well as a group of specially selected entrepreneurs.
The Idea2Profit program is for YOU if you’re…
​Whether you’re an introvert who enjoys limited time in groups or you are an extrovert and just can't get enough time connecting with other like minded individuals you’re in the right place.
​In the Idea2Profit program you will be exposed to…
​I created Idea2Profit to support powerful entrepreneurs like you to make a change, build a sustainable business, make money and make an impact in the world doing something you love.
50% Complete
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