Business Strategy Session

What if you stopped second-guessing yourself, ideas just flowed, and your actions turned into profit — sound too good to be true?

Imagine: no more feeling lost with no direction, not knowing where to invest your time and money, or the shame of not living up to your potential.

If you are an entrepreneur or you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, there is one thing you cannot avoid and that is GROWTH.

If your business does not grow it fails, it stagnates, it dies…and if you don’t grow along with your business, you fail, you stagnate, and your potential dies too.

Starting a business venture is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. You may be an expert in your business area, and you will still need to leverage other resources to run a profitable business.

Yes, it’s a challenge…it’s actually a series of ongoing challenges.

And the business is not the entity that is going to have the challenges, the business is nothing without the human that is doing the business.

So it’s on you, you are going to have to learn to rise above the challenges, to grow your business and to grow yourself.

The Business Strategy session is best for you if you:

  • Are new to coaching and want to experience the results of a coaching session

  • Want clarity on a specific area of business or personal development 

  • Are exploring starting a business and want clarity on the next best steps to take

The Business Strategy session is for established and new entrepreneurs seeking a new perspective, knowledge, strategies, and an authentic jolt of confidence to plan for the next best steps to go forward and make a profit and an impact.

Each session is framed with the proprietary EPDL formula.

I developed the EPDL formula to give entrepreneurs a structure for creating business and personal success. After all, business success alone is not the answer to true fulfillment.

The EPDL formula consists of 4 phases of business and personal development.


  2. PLAN



The 4 phases are cyclical, as your business grows you will continue to cycle thru the 4 phases. At any given time, you may be active in one phase while researching another phase.

The EXPLORE phase is all about creativity. You are free to dream, explore, imagine and create. This is by far the favourite phase for most entrepreneurs. Your priorities in this phase are to:

  • Clarify your “why"

  • Identify your business vision

  • Create your personal definition of success


The PLAN phase is the time to structure your clarity. This is the part of business development that is most critical to long term success. Your priorities in this phase are to:

  • Create a foundation for your business model

  • Plan for business growth

  • Create your personal growth roadmap


The DEVELOP phase is all about building your product or service. In this phase you evaluate every opportunity based on its business value. Your priorities in this phase are to:

  • Build a test plan and perform beta testing

  • Learn how to price your product or service

  • Create offers, packages and bundles 

The LAUNCH phase is the gratification for the hard work. You finally get to introduce your product or service to the public. Your priorities in this phase are to:

  • Create a vested interest in your business brand

  • Engage with your target audience

  • Learn to trust yourself and build trust in relationships

As your business grows and you develop new products or services you will continue to follow the business development cycle.

Having clarity in each of the 4 business development phases and a solid plan will work miracles in your business. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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